Wedding Color Meanings

One of the first things couple needs to decide on after they get engaged is what their wedding colors will be! Are you going light or dark? Warm tones or dark tones? And, well, not to add another thing to think about but you’ve also got to consider what the colors mean! Do they match the aesthetic and overall tones you want to give off for your wedding day? To help, we’ve summarized the meanings behind the main colors of the rainbow for you below.



The color of harmony, friendship, and youthful affection. This is the color of sugar, sweets, and candy! This color is a fun way to add a feeling of affection to your wedding day without making it feel too in your face . Did you know that while pink is seen in today’s time as a feminine color, in Georgian times - it was very much a masculine color?



The color red is evocative. It brings to mind fire and passion. In the Russian language, the root word for ‘red’ is the same as ‘beautiful.’ The color itself is one of the most expensive colors to produce which only adds to its regal and magical qualities. And, in many Asian cultures, the color red is a lucky color. It represents wealth and fertility. Try adding a bit of romance and sensual desire to your day by weaving this illuminating color throughout - you may even get lucky! (hah!)



The color orange is also one that conjures up ideas of fire. This color meaning falls between the passions of red and the joyful spirit of yellow. It is stimulating, vibrant, and fun! Add in pops of orange to add some fun flair to your day.



The color of pure joy as it radiates from the sun. This color signifies happiness and growth. It’s symbolic of gold, a color most often associated with Gods and divine royalty. It’s also the color of harvest symbolizing growth and reflection. This color is great to incorporate in Spring to symbolize hopeful days ahead and Fall as you reflect on the past and how it brought you to where you now stand.



Green…a symbol associated with luck and growth. Its meaning derives from the color of plants as they reach and grow up towards the sun. It’s the color of the four leaf clover you find by chance in a field. It’s also serenity and fertility as you find yourself in a rich, abundant forest. Use this color to embody those feelings on your wedding day.



The coldest color of the rainbow, this brings to mind visions of the sea, of water - our ecosystem’s life source. Because of that, this color represents trust, loyalty, and awakening. It also has a meaning of purity which derives from the cleansing element of water. And, fun fact, the stone Lapis Lazuli used to be ground down to produce striking blue pigments for painting.



Worn by royalty and those of high ranking in religion and law, this color evokes feelings of power, nobility, and ambition. This color is perfect for power couples! The color purple is also often associated with magic so add a bit of mystery to your day by weaving in different tones of purple.



The color white brings to mind peaceful winter days as snow blankets the Earth. All is calm and serene. Using this color on your wedding day will also evoke those feelings. It represents peace, serenity, tranquility, and youthful innocence. In many cultures, seeing a white animal is considered a lucky omen! So consider adding a white dove release for extra luck!



The color of night, the opposite of light and day. This color is rich in history. Some consider it to be bad luck but black is misunderstood. The color black is elegant and sleek. It represents power, authority, and sophistication. Its the perfect color to add for a bit pure class or spooky magical vibes.


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