Wedding DIY: Wedding Crown


Time to bring out your inner goddess with this fun wedding DIY! I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of those literally goddess brides killing it in their golden halo crowns. I mean what a way to make a statement, am I right? Well, if you are feeling the crown look, then follow these steps to create your very own one-of-a-kind, never-before-seen wedding crown. All you need is a little trip to the craft store and some creativity and you too can kill it on your wedding day!

Items Needed:

12”, 10”, and 8” Zip Ties

Cheap Plastic or Metal Headband

Gold (or preferred color) Spray Paint

Beads, Medallions, Chains, and Other Goodies

Glue Gun

Step One: Zip your zip ties onto the headband in an alternating pattern. I started from the middle with the largest zip tie then went down and back up in order, continuing down the sides of the headband. It should go like this: LARGE - MEDIUM - SMALL - MEDIUM - LARGE. When you near the end, tie 3 of the smallest zip ties on while leaving about 2 inches of open space at the bottom of the headband.

Step Two: Cut the ends of your zip ties off. You can cut them at diagonals or into points! I used a combination of both.

Step Three: Spray paint that baby! Make sure to cover the front, back, and all the little grooves!

Step Four: Time to bring out the big guns! And by big guns, I mean the glue gun of course! I mapped out how I wanted everything to go first, and then got started cementing everything down. A word of advice - stick your heavier emblems closest to the headband. You don’t want the zip ties to bend over!

Step Five: Put some red lipstick on and some clothes that make you feel like a total badass and ROCK your new crown look! Go get ‘em!


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